Auroneaux Aurandel

Just as despair can come to one only from others, hope too, can be given to one only by others.


Raised in Ishgard serving house Dzemael, Auroneaux was blessed with a modest upbringing. Neither spurned with a life in the Brume, nor blessed with the comfort of nobility as he grew up and fostered a family of his own. His work however was far from that of his parents, functioning in the shadows to do the work that Dzemael would rather not see the light of day.This all came crumbling down on one particular assignment as he dug a bit too deep. He came upon information that revealed the nation's darkest secret, leading him to be branded a traitor and heretic amongst even the very house he served.Unable to save his family, Auroneaux barely escaped Ishgard with his life. Having lost everything, he wandered the lands for the next decade slowly forging a new life for himself amongst the other city states.


  • Criminal affairs: A former intelligence agent for House Dzemael, he's very familiar in more clandestine affairs. Whether they be thievery, espionage, or wetwork.

  • Free spirit: He refuses to let his past hold him back, offering a positive (albeit sarcastic) demeanor to those around him

  • Fine company and fine spirits: He's a bit of a flirt, and has a nasty habit of trying to steal fine alcohols

  • Ishgard: He's stayed as far from it as possible for the last decade, but would give anything to repay the city for what it took from him


OOC info:
-All RP is welcome; as such +18 only
-Player is +25
-Walk ups/tells are ok
-IC and OOC are kept separate and will be kept as such
-I do my best to reply as quick as possible, but I occasionally get caught up finding the right words
-That being said, short dialogue or full paragraph based RP are both fine
-I won't RP anything adult with Lalafell
